Download RSform!Pro plugin

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Log into your Joomla backend
  3. Go to “Extensions” -> “Install/Uninstall”
  4. Upload the zipfile you just downloaded
  5. Go to “Components” -> “RSForm! Pro” -> “Configuration”
  6. Select the “Copernica” tab and enter your API details
    • If you do not have API details yet you have to create them from within Copernica
    • This is the default set of Copernica credentials that the plugin uses. You can choose to override these for each form seperately
  7. Go to “Components” -> “RSForm! Pro” -> “Manage Forms”
  8. Select a Form where you want to use the Copernica connector
  9. Select the “Properties” tab on the form details page
  10. Select “Copernica Integration” (it’s on the bottom of the left menu)
  11. You can set several things here:
    1. Copernica Integration
      • If you choose Yes the plugin will be used
      • If you choose No the plugin will not be used
    2. Use default credentials (You will only see this option if you chose yes on the Copernica Integration step)
      • If you choose Yes the plugin will use the default credentials that you set earlier on the configuration page in step 6
      • If you choose No the plugin asks you to enter the credentials that you want to use for this specific form
    3. Database (You will only see this option if your credentials work)
      • If you just entered your credentials but can’t see this option yet, then please press “Apply ” on the top of the page
      • Select the database that you want to use here
    4. Mapping (You will only see this option if your credentials work)
      • Map the values from you RSForm! Pro form to the Copernica database fields
  12. Don’t forget to save / apply
  13. Done!